Has your relationship hit a rough patch?

Let's get you back on track!

Little Light Collaborative Coaching

Create an Extraordinary Relationship Practice

  • Heal Resentments
  • Establish a solid foundation based on your values
  • Embrace your strengths and growth areas
  • Build trust with a partnership power dynamic 
  • Develop emotional & physical intimacy 
  • Create respect through constructive conflict 
  • Learn how to communicate effectively & authentically

The bridge between where you are and where you want to be is what you do


Extraordinary Relationship Practices are generative in nature and when done consistently, will not only help you through difficult times but ensure your relationship emerges stronger and more resilient than before.

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Katya Jadwick, The Couples Coach

Consistent Practice Leads to Lasting Love

Hi, I’m Katya.  I help couples get their relationship back on track by creating an Extraordinary Relationship Practice.

I am here to help you empower your relationship from within.  My mission is to equip you with the essential tools and practical steps you need to build a truly extraordinary relationship practice, and foster your own resilience through a personalized healing and growth process.

I am certified through  The Fisher Relationship Coaching Academy (accredited by The International Coaching Federation (ICF)). 

Empower your Relationship with an Extraordinary Practice!